I feel like my baby is almost not a baby anymore! She could officially be called a toddler now! But, I don't want to let go, because I feel like that's me admitting that I no longer have my baby.
Today Lydia went for her 15 month well checkup. She is now 34 1/2 inches tall, weighs 24 1/2 pounds and her head is 46 cm. This puts her in the 99th percentile for height! Wow! I wasn't expecting that! She has grown almost 4 inches in the past 3 months! Really?! When did all this happen? I feel like I missed it, yet I was there for the whole thing. She's at about the 50th percentile for weight, which seems about right. She's definitely thinned out, but still has some delicious chunk in her arms and legs.
Lydia is meeting all of her developmental milestones very nicely. She doesn't talk as much as I would like, but I am told that it seems to happen overnight with most kids. Right now I hear her say a word, but then she just doesn't feel the need to repeat it again. Like "shoes". I know she said that word! She even pointed to her shoes as she said it. But she hasn't said it since then. She has also stopped saying "Hello" when she talks on her phone and doesn't say "ByeBye" anymore. She does still say "Momma" and "Daddy". She says "Tickle, Tickle" and I'm pretty sure I've heard her say "Clean up" with me when I've been singing the song.
All of Lydia's motor skills are excelling and she's a great problem-solver. I'm amazing at the things I tell her to do and she knows what I'm saying and, for the most part, is very obedient. She'll go get things for me, sit down in her chair, eat her food, and give us kisses.
Overall, Lydia is a beautiful, happy and fun little Angel. I am so grateful to have her in my life.