Tuesday, May 4, 2010

3 Months Old! Where does the time go?!!!

I can't believe a month has gone by since I last posted! My greatest apologies! I'm just enjoying the little lady so much, I don't think about getting on the computer!

However, time just seems to be going by even faster lately than ever before! The little lady is officially 3 months old today! Wow! I can't believe she's that old! And I can't believe how fast she is growing! I looked at some of her newborn pictures and she has grown so much! She's chunking up and is getting so tall! She's a beautiful little girl! So, here's Lydia's 3 month letter.

Beautiful Lydia,

How time seems to flash right by! You have grown so much this month! I love watching you grow and interacting with you more each day. You have a beautiful smile and a sweet little voice. Here are some of the new things that you have started doing this month.

*You love to play in the bathtub and splash with your feet.

*You smile more and more each day and talk to us.

*You've started to interact with us more while we are feeding you.

*You're starting to discover your tongue and often have it sticking out or licking things.

*You love to play with your friend in the mirror! You watch her very intently as she moves her feet along with you.

*You are starting to grab at things and hold onto them. Not really toys yet, but clothes and your burp rags are your favorite.

*You love "walking" around as we support you.

*I've caught you a few times giggling at things. I'm excited for this to develop more!

*You now officially sleep in your crib in your own room! Hooray!

*You sleep all the way through the night! You normally fall asleep around 10pm and wake up about 7:30 am. We love this!

*You are much better at keeping your fists in your mouth! And oh how you love to suck on your fists! You would be the happiest baby in the world if you could just fit both of your fists in your mouth at the same time!

*You roll from your back to your stomach now- not on purpose and you don't like it- but you'll get better at it.

You are such a little angel in our home! We love you Sweet Lydia! I can never seem to hug you and kiss you enough! I wish the moments would slow down, but I know we have a lot of wonderful times ahead of us! I am so grateful to know that you are mine for eternity. I love being your mother.




Alan said...

That second picture of her is fantastic. What an awesome expression...

Mary Lu said...

Happy 3 month birthday, Lydia! We miss you! How photogenic you are! Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

what a cutie!

Natalia said...

What a cutie!!! (sorry I accidentally posted that "Anonymous" comment just now)

Lindsay said...

I hate to break it to you but it doesn't slow down. So savor those moments! :)

Thanks for posting pictures. I'm excited to meet that baby girl. :)

Stormie said...

Wow, she's already rolling over consistently? It was fun to read this. :)

Joyce said...

Love, love, love these pictures!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers