I actually wrote this post a couple of weeks ago. However, computers seem to be quite finicky around here and I was unable to actually post it until just now. So, some of this may seem out of date. But it is all still relevant. Enjoy! You've only been waiting 3 months!
I have long been putting off writing a new post for the blog. I think about it quite often. However, I always come up with an excuse. Most commonly that excuse is that I don't feel like dealing with my computer because it is slower than a snail and that's where all of the pictures are stored. So, I just can't write a post without putting up some pictures. But I need to just suck it up and write. You may or may not get any pictures in this post. I'm not sure right now. It depends on how motivated I feel. And, lately, my motivation has been lacking quite a bit.
Now, here is the other excuse I have had for not writing: I don't know what I should write about. Not that there is a lack of things to write about. Lydia is constantly doing the cutest things and learning more and more everyday. And we try to go out and do things often enough. It's more that there's been so much to write about and it's been so long that I have a hard time choosing which thing I should actually write about.
I have a strong feeling that this post may end up being more of a rambling. Brace yourself. Okay, here it goes...
Lydia has been learning and growing like crazy these last 3 months! She is 20 months. She is incredibly smart and has quite the personality! She loves to read. She also loves to make her baby doll read. She even makes her baby point to the pictures as she's reading. Speaking of which, she loves to play "mommy". She takes good care of her baby and was even caught one morning feeding her baby out of one of my perfume bottles as I was getting ready for the day. Good thing it wasn't a real baby! She also loves to help clean things. Whenever I clean the bathroom, I have to put her in charge of cleaning the bathtub in order to keep her away from trying to help clean the toilet. She also loves to help sweep, vacuum, sort/change/fold laundry, empty the dishwasher, and any other random tasks. She is excellent at doing puzzles.
Lydia is also starting to talk more. It seems that I hear her say something new every other day. The other day I counted 35 words. These are the ones that I've heard her say on her own without just repeating me. They include: Hello ("Aya"), ByeBye, Thank you (said almost anytime you hand her something in a very high pitched voice! Good girl! "Day Doo"), shoes, stinky ("dinky" said in a very high pitched voice), Pee-Yoo! (while plugging her nose), baby, please, milk ("mi"), all done ("a da"), book ("boo"), momma, daddy, no, stop it ("doppi"), sleep ("seepy"), bed ("be"), binky ("bibi"), more, belly button (also "bibi"), hair, uh oh!, cheese! (said when she's pretending to take pictures and for the food, "shee"), tv ("dee"), grandma ("papa"? Why?), grandpa ("papa"), dog (sounds more like God), fishy ("shee"), pretty ("pee"), keys, tickle ("dickodicko"), Jesus ("Jcheesu"), clean up ("ceen"), ball ("ba"), and a couple of her friends' names (Jadyn and Callie). It's taken me a couple days to write this much of a post. And in that time she has picked up on new word which I loath! "Mine!" This is said very adamently whenever anyone touches anything that is hers. Ooooh! I'm not going to like this phase!
Lydia can correctly identify her belly button (go figure!), hands, feet, eyes, ears, mouth, teeth, nose and hair. She can also identify them on mommy and daddy when asked, for example, "where's daddy's nose?".
Overall, Lydia is quite the little ball of fire. It feels as though her life is often a musical. She is constantly singing as she is going about her usual activities. She also loves to dance and has quite the creative dance moves. She loves going down slides. The bigger, the better. However, swings are too confining for her. She lasts a few seconds before she's ready to run again. She loves to be "pretty". This includes putting bows in her hair (she does her own headbands on occasion and they look like she stepped out of the 80's!), wearing necklaces, rings (she found a few neglected ones in my jewelery box), and carrying purses. She loves to pretend to make us food and then feed it to us. What else can I say, she's a little ball of personality! And she is definitely a girly girl! We love her though and enjoy watching her grow.
As for me and David, well, David is now in his second rotation of his 3rd year. His first was internal medicine, which was broken up into sections of cardiology, rheumotology, and general medicine. He really enjoyed the cardiology and general areas. Mostly because of the faculty he worked with. But he didn't have a very good experience with rheumotology. So, I think it's safe to say that he won't be going into that field. Now he is in psychology. For the past couple of weeks he has been driving to St. Joseph's in downtown Houston. Not very fun. But he's been coming home with some interesting stories. I can relate to a lot of the people he talks about because of my background at Heritage. So, I enjoy this section. I feel smart when he asks me questions as he's studying and I can tell him the answers. In one more week he'll be doing more clinical psychology at UTMB. Yay! He won't have to drive so far out! And he won't be waking me up everyday at 5 am! So, overall, David is doing well. He's enjoying things a lot more than he was his first couple years of med school. He's a much more hands on kind of guy. So, this is a better way for him to learn. Plus he's already got some faculty asking to write letters of recommendation for him come application time for residency! Yay! So, he's really impressing them.
And then there's me. Hmmm...my life revolves around the previous 2 people and am just trying to keep my head afloat with it all. Plus, find time to give to my calling as RS President. It's only slightly demanding. I'm also trying to spend time doing my crafts/sewing projects. I'll try to get some pictures up of them soon. But I've made a beautiful comforter for Lydia's bed, refinished Lydia's dresser, made portable dvd player totes/cases, started working more on Lydia's quiet book (I've got a couple pages done and the cover), and I sewed a cowgirl vest to go with Lydia's Halloween costume. I may have done some more, but that's all that I can think of right now. I have several projects I want to finish before Christmas though. My first priorities are the quiet book and also painting/decorating her big Christmas present (more info on that to come, probably at Christmas time though. After all, it's sad for everyone to see what you're getting for Christmas except you, right?).
Also since the last time I wrote, we have had a couple of visitors. My family (mom, dad and brother Neil) came to visit for a weekend at the beginning of August. It had been over a year since they had made it out to Galveston. So, we were very excited to have them come and stay with us. We were able to do the typical Galveston things: go to the beach and ride the ferry. If you ever come visit us, that is probably what you will do to. It's classic, but it never gets old for us. That's what we love about living on an island! We had a lot of fun and hope that it won't take them that long to come see us again.
David's parents and brother Matt also came at the end of August. They were ready for a big Hoorah! before Matt went back to school. Unfortunately, David had to work a lot of the time that they were here. So, Lydia and I took them to the beach and to the Rainforest Pyramid at Moody Gardens. Those are definetely on Lydia's top list of favorite things to do! And David's parents got to see why. Then, David was able to join us to go on the ferry and to have lunch with us and his dad's long lost cousin that was able to drive from Houston to see us. Then Lydia and I went to Space Center Houston for a couple hours before they caught their flight back to Washington. Lydia's favorite thing there was the ball pit! She kept trying to sneak away from us and go play in it again and again. It was a very fun trip with them. I hope they aren't afraid of Galveston after coming during the hottest month of the year! We would love to have them visit us again sometime.
Well, hopefully this helps catch me up on blogging for now. I'll still try to get more pictures posted for people to see. I even have some videos that I've taken. For now, this picture will have to suffice though.