Tuesday, January 4, 2011

To Lydia at 11 Months!

Dear Sweet Lydia,
You seem to get sweeter by the day! I love having you in my life. When Daddy and I talked on our Anniversary about our best memory since we got married, we both agreed that it was the day that you came into our family. You have brought so much joy and love. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You are my little angel. Though you try to prove otherwise at times.

You have learned even more this month, if it is possible!
*You quickly learned how to stand up from sitting in the middle of the room. This has opened up even more possibilities and makes you even more eager to discover everything around you! You are now, literally, unstoppable. Well, unless there's a closed door. I'll take advantage of that as long as possible!
*You are starting to communicate with us a little bit. I said a while back that you were waving hello and goodbye. However, you took a break from doing that for a few months and now it is back in full force. In fact, today when you wanted to go outside, you walked to the front door and waved bye to me. Unfortunately a lot of your communication is in squeals right now. So, you have been learning a few signs to help you. You have started to sign "Please". You are also learning "Jesus", "More", and "Thank you". Can you tell that I'm trying to start you off by teaching you good manners? We'll see how well it sticks.
*You have officially mastered the stairs. You enjoyed going up the stairs while at Grandma and Grandpa's. In fact, you made it to the top a couple of times before we even noticed you were gone!
*You are turning into a book worm. You are starting to enjoy pulling books off the shelf, bringing one to me and then sitting on my lap while I read it to you. Then you go pick out another one. I love having you cuddle up close to me while we read together!
*Tooth #4 is on it's way in now and it's a top one! Hooray! You will finally have something on top to bite with!
*Speaking of teeth, you are becoming a much more picky eater. You are discovering the wonders of throwing things off of your tray when you don't want it. In fact, it seems to be fruit a lot of the time. Like bananas and grapes. You'll eat some of it, but then decide you're done and start tossing them down. This I could do without.
*You enjoyed your first Christmas! And boy did you come out with the loot! I think that your favorite things you got were the Little People, your musical table (you are addicted to dancing to music), and the Peekaboo book. You seem to enjoy everything else you got, but these are the things that catch your attention for the longest. You also enjoyed the toy cell phone that Grandma got. You even would hold it up to your shoulder (ear) to say "Hello" when we told you to.

I love you Lydia and look forward to all the time we have together!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Wow. Hard to believe she's almost a year. The boys and I watched the video over and over. Caleb was especially interested in it. In fact, it prompted him to go get his toy phone and do the very same thing. :)

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