Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It's (another) girl!

Despite my confidence that I was definitely having a boy this time, I was proven wrong. We went on Monday to get the fun ultrasound for our baby # 2 and were told that we were having another little girl! I asked the nurse a couple times if she was sure, and she pointed everything out to me very slowly. Apparently I should never make a guess again as to what people (including myself) will be having! I have been wrong every time as of late.
Even though I was wrong, I am so thrilled to have another little girl! I have fallen in love with ruffles and bows with Lydia and am excited to have another little girl to dress up. Plus we have several of the little girl essentials already (this is important considering we are still pushing through med school) and Lydia can have a playmate to cook in her new little kitchen with and sing and dance with. David is excited too, even though he is realizing that he will really be out-numbered with another girl running around. He was hoping for a wrestling buddy. But I think he felt better when I pointed out how much Lydia loves wrestling around with him.
We took Lydia with us to this ultrasound in hopes that it would help her understand a little of what is going on. I'm not sure how successful that was. She was excited to see the baby on the screen, but got bored after a while of all the necessary measurements and wanted to get up on the bed with me. After we were all done, Lydia climbed up on the bed, put the towel over her stomach and asked to see the baby in her tummy. I wish I had been able to pull out the camera fast enough. It was cute. She now points to my belly and tells me there's a baby in it. However, it is always followed by pointing her her belly also and telling me about her baby. Sigh. I don't think she'll fully understand it until her world has changed forever. She is enjoying all the excitement though and that's enough. She'll be a great big sister!
Here's a couple pics from our ultrasound. We expect this one to be a great gymnist because of how her feet were kicking herself in the head for most of the ultrasound. Too fun!

Those are her feet up above her head.
And I'll be posting more updates soon! I got a wonderful new computer for Christmas and can now update all of my pictures so much easier! Things don't take several days to complete anymore! Hooray!


Cassidy said...

Congratulations!!! That is wonderful news! Girls are so fun. HOpefully you're doing alright!!

Lindsay said...

So much for the gender-guessing instinct. I think it's defunct in both of us. :) But how exciting to have another girl! And you're right -- it is a little more economical. As much as I wish we were having a little girl this time around, it's kind of nice to not only know my way around the little boy sections of department stores, but to also already have a stash of hand-me-downs (though I'm realizing that by #3, most of the stuff I've got is getting pretty worn out...) And hey, at least someone is giving your mother little girls. ;) Maybe K & E's baby will be a girl, too, and there will be 3 of each. :)

Jolene said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting!

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