Tuesday, December 18, 2012

To Hannah at 7 Months

Dear Sweet Hannah,

I had heard before having you that life goes by even more quickly with a 2nd child, but, until I experienced it, I never understood.  I often wish I could create a clone of me to take care of all the tedious work that just needs to get done so that I can enjoy more time with you. Unfortunately, that is not possible and so you are often expected to entertain yourself as I run around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Or, as in the case right now, I write a long awaited letter for you to read several years down the road.

You are such a beautiful, sweet girl and are growing so healthy and strong. At your 6 month well check you measured 27 inches (90th percentile) and weighed 16 1/2 pounds (50th percentile). Dr. Beach commented that you are very tall, however if you look at your weight percentile according you your height instead of age then you fall in the 25th percentile. You sure don't look like a skinny baby, but I guess most babies your height are really chunky! But I love the sweet rolls that you do have. You are especially ticklish in your thigh rolls and I love making you giggle!

Speaking of giggling, you make all sorts of noises now. You enjoy babbling and giggling, however you have also taken to grunting and growling at us. Maybe it's a result of you trying to get and keep attention more.

You are doing so many things now! You sit up like a champ! And have even ventured into the realm of reaching for anything you can as you are sitting up. You also can get up on your hands and knees and rock back and forth. So, it's only a matter of time before you're crawling. In your attempts to move forward to get that much desired toy or person, you end up scooting yourself backwards. This frustrates you to no end. Unfortunately you also only roll in one direction, so you always end up in a corner. I almost feel bad for you...almost. As much as I would like you to be mobile and get those toys that fall out of your reach, I don't want you following me all around the house and getting into all the other things that I have yet to baby-proof. So, I'm okay with you waiting a few more weeks or months for this next big step.

You are a very particular child. We just got back from a long roadtrip for Daddy's residency interviews and stayed in several different hotels and at people's houses. On the nights where you got to sleep in a pack and play, you were happy and slept for most of the night without complaint. However, on the few nights where you had to sleep in a metal portable crib, you threw hefty fits and wound up sleeping in our bed for most of the night. However, even that wasn't completely satisfactory for you. You like your bed, with your snuggly and your thumb. If anything messes with that arrangement then there are heavy consequences. You also have grown very attached to me lately. If I walk into or out of the room then you cry out for me and wimper. Even if your Daddy is holding you. While this phase is endearing and I feel so important and needed, I also won't be too sad to see it pass. Your poor Daddy loves holding you too :).

Sweet Hannah, I love you and thank Heavenly Father every night that He chose to send you to our family. You are and will always be my little angel.


1 comment:

Stormie said...

Love the pictures! And I agree, I won't be sad when the phase of Misty just wanting me is over. :)

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