Thursday, August 1, 2013

Is There A Doctor In the House?

Why yes! Yes there is! Though it is still very surreal to me, David graduated from University of Texas Medical Branch School of Medicine on June 1st and now can legally add a fancy "MD" after his name! We were at the eye doctor picking out glasses for David yesterday and one of the technicians asked if he was "Dr. Dickinson" as she came into the room. My first instinct was to say no. But I guess David has heard the term "Doctor" a whole lot more in the first month of his residency and he has transitioned into his new title well.

For David's special day, his parents flew in from Washington and my parents drove from San Antonio. It was so great to have such wonderful support from both of our parents to share in this great achievement! They have all been such a blessing to us as we struggled through the last 4 years!

I think that my favorite part of the graduation ceremony, held at the Moody Garden Convention Center, was the talk given by Jason Burrows, one of David's classmates. He summed up the last 4 years very well and brought back many humorous and stressful memories. It was great that we were all able to laugh at the stressful times as we looked back on them. All of the late nights studying for step 1 and early mornings in the OR. I wish I could summarize it all as well as he did. Nonetheless, as I looked back on all that we had been through the last 4 years getting through medical school, I felt an overwhelming appreciation for all of the hard work that David had put in. He truly sacrificed a lot to get to this point and I am so proud of him.

Congratulations David Joseph Dickinson, MD!!!

Getting hooded

Saying the physician's oath

Once a Longhorn, always a Longhorn :)

Our wonderful support group!
David's family (Clay, Matt & MaryLu), David, Lydia, me & Hannah, and my family (Joyce, Neil & Gary)

Two of David's greatest achievements during med school!

David with our good friends, John Coon & Jason Hobbs


Cassidy said...

YAY!!!!!!!!! Congrats guys!
I say guys, because lets face it, this whole journey was a team effort!

Chandra Hedman said...

Congrats Dr. Dickinson! Now we're at the point you guys were when we met you! It goes so fast.

Stormie said...

Ah! I miss you guys!!! Can't wait for our big get together sometime this year!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers