Thursday, February 25, 2010

Three Weeks Old and Wiser Too!

Happy Three Weeks Lydia!

Can you believe it?! It feels like we've had Lydia for forever, yet it also feels like we just got her a couple hours ago! So, today, in honor of Lydia's 3 week day, we went to the Doctor's Office for her check-up. Lydia is now a whopping 9 lbs 3 oz! Holy Cow! She has gained a full pound and an ounce! And she has grown a full inch and a half! Wow! I knew she had grown a lot, but Wow!!! Her newborn outfits are already getting snug on her and she's fitting into the 0/3 month clothes that she swam in the day she was born!
It seems a lot has happened since I last posted! Lydia was blessed on Sunday. She was fortunate to have both sets of Grandparents there. So, she was blessed by her dad with Grandpa's Anderson and Dickinson, and friends Jason Hobbs and Jeremiah West in the circle. She looked so pretty in her dress that I made! And she was a perfect angel throughout the entire Sacrament Meeting! I think I'll go one more week of just taking her to Sacrament Meeting and then we'll start trying to extend it.

Some other fun things of note.
1. We have a picture of the Manti Temple hanging on our wall just above the couch I usually feed Lydia in. Well, it seems that whenever she has her eyes open while I'm feeding her, she is staring at that picture. I think that she recognizes the temple because she was there when David and I were sealed. At least the thought brings me peace that she has been with us and will be with us for eternity.
2. Also, check out these 2 pictures! Notice anything similar? Our little lady was a model in the womb and is continuing her career outside of it as well! It is common to catch her in this pose whenever she is relaxed or sleeping.

3. Lydia has also started to grab onto more things. Especially our clothes when we feed her. It's so precious!
4. I was able to capture somewhat of a smile with my camera. They often get much bigger than this one.
5. Lydia calms down when we take her into the bathroom and run the water in the bathtub. I guess the sound reminds her of the womb or something.
Sorry there are so many pictures and randomness, but these are some fun things that I wanted to share and record for myself. Happy Three Weeks Little Lydia!


Lindsay said...

They get big fast, don't they? Be sure you treasure every moment you have with her. The dishes and the laundry and the projects can wait. (No, really, they can.)

I've loved comparing Garrett and Caleb's ultrasound pictures with the snapshots taken "on the other side." It's amazing how many habits and aspects of their personalities developed before they were born. I've also learned recently that it's a lot of fun to compare toddler pictures with newborn pictures. Garrett, it turns out, is very much the same as he was two years ago. Older, but still Garrett:)

Kiersten said...

Oh Kimberly, Lydia looks just adorable in her dress! You did an amazing job on it. You've inspired me to want to do that for our kids!

I'm glad everything went well and that everyone was able to make it to the blessing!

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