Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Lydia has recently gained more of an attachment to her Pooh. I have been setting it in her crib with her for quite a while now. However, lately if you walk in on her taking a nap, it will look somewhat like this.

How sweet! We took it with us to Grandma and Grandpa's this past weekend and she slept through the night for the first time there! Maybe this was the key all along!

Also, Lydia is gaining more strength in her arms, balance in her legs, and a desire to see everything that's going on! She doesn't crawl yet and is still rolling around slowly. But she is starting to pull herself up onto random items! She's done it on my pants, our bed, the couch, chairs and this box! Watch out! Here she comes!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

It's a blessing and a curse when kids get attached to a toy. On the one hand, it calms them down, makes them happy, and helps them sleep. On the other, their tiny worlds can completely fall apart if it's not available. Both of my boys are super glued to their blue silky blankets, as I'm sure you know, and I have to really prep both of them just so I can take them to the laundromat every week to wash them (loved linens get really gross after a few days....). Good times...good times...

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