Friday, September 10, 2010

To Lydia at 7 months

I meant to write this last weekend, when Lydia actually turned 7 months, but since we were in San Antonio and busy with family it got put off. So, here it is. A little late. But I did it nonetheless.

Dear Sweet Lydia,
You grow more beautiful everyday! And you seem to want to show it to the world! Your activeness has increased probably 10 times this month! You have figured out the ability you have to transport yourself where you want to go. Fortunately, you aren't excessively fast right now. But it's only a matter of time!
Let's see, what are your new tricks this month? Just about everything!
*You first figured out how to make yourself sit up from a laying down position. This has been nice because you no longer lie in a crunching position fussing that you want to get up. You can do it yourself. However, you still do crunches once in a while to keep your abs in shape.
*Then you figured out how to pull yourself up onto things and even move yourself along them a little bit. Fortunately you're not too coordinated on that part yet and so some things remain safe. But, once again, it's only a matter of time. With the ability to pull yourself up onto things came the struggle of falling asleep on your own in your crib. Now I think you're getting the grasp of bringing yourself back down from a standing position (plopping onto your well padded bum) and this has helped a bit. Maybe you'll pass this phase quickly and will sleep well again. (fingers crossed!)
*A couple weeks ago I was getting a little bit frustrated that you show so much desire to be on your feet that you would skip the crawling phase all together. So, in an attempt to preserve my sanity, I put you down on all fours and showed you the movements of crawling. You picked it up in a matter of minutes! Now you are slowly perfecting this skill and enjoy crawling towards random cords we have yet to hide and following me (whining) as I move from room to room. Though you started out crawling on all fours, you quickly developed your own style where your right foot remains on the ground and helps propel you around. It's rather amusing to watch. (See video at end of post.)
*You are such a people person! You love people and always want to be around them! This is fun most of the time. But also can backfire when somebody (sometimes even somebody who wasn't paying any attention to you and that you don't even know) walks away from you and you start to cry.
*Aside from moving around, your mouth has also developed a larger taste for foods! You no longer are happy while we are eating unless you have something in your mouth too. So, you snack on little puffs or yogurt melts or suck on a grape or other fruit through your net chewy thing. (Like my extensive vocabulary?) You still do not like any of the meats we've tried to feed you. However, you've loved every fruit and vegetable we have thrown your way! You love food and it shows in your sweet rolls! Maybe next month we will get to report on some new teeth! Maybe, but for now you enjoy gumming and drooling all over everything!
*You are an outdoor girl! You can be so fussy and temperamental inside the apartment, but the second we go for a walk or to the beach or something, you are happy. You love watching the movements of the trees in the breeze, splashing in the water and being in the wide openness away from our apartment.

I can't emphasize enough how much joy you bring to my life, Lydia. You are so sweet and lovable. Sometime you even let me cuddle with you. I love those moments. You help me enjoy the simple things in life. You are my little angel. I love you.



Lindsay said...

She's 7 months? Are you serious? It really is hard to believe how fast she's growing!

Mary Lu said...

She's a natural crawler! I think she is perfect at whatever she tries...but I AM the doting grandma! Thanks for including these videos. It is so fun to watch her getting more independent.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers