Saturday, September 25, 2010

A tooth for a tooth (and some extras!)

It's true! After months and months of people telling me that my baby was teething for one reason or another, Lydia's first tooth has started to peek out! What her teething was like, I really couldn't tell you. It seemed mostly the same as the past 7 1/2 months. She was just as drooly, just as cranky, just as sleepy. You name it, it seems to have been the same for forever. And I'm sure she wasn't teething for 7 1/2 months. However it all happened, we are so excited that she's getting her little incisors! OH, and it's the bottom right front tooth. (Probably more for my records than your interest.)
Lydia has been up to quite a bit lately. I'm sorry I've been slow on the blogging. But we have been thoroughly enjoying each other. Here are some videos that show some of the fun we have been having.

Lydia seemed to be reading to herself. It was oh so endearing to watch!

Lydia loves holding onto our pants while we walk! She seems to think she's such a big girl! How does she grow so fast?!

She's getting so fun and interactive! I love how she laughs in anticipation of things now! I think she gets more of a kick out of the anticipation than the actual tickling or whatever!

Lydia loves to play in the sand! It's so squishy in her fingers and toes! She actually didn't even try to eat any this time! Hooray!

So, these are some of the fun things we have been up to. Mostly Lydia. But, she's so cute and fun, how could our worlds not revolve around her? Hope you enjoyed the videos!


lucysmom said...

Thank you for the videos! I love listening to her read her book - her voice melts my heart. I agree, how could your world not revolve around her?

Lindsay said...

One day it's her first tooth, and the next it's table foods. The next thing you know, she'll be trotting off to college. :)

Stephanie said...

It's always so fun when they start getting their teeth! lOVE IT. Soon her little looks are going to start changing! I saw her last Sunday and I can't believe how grown-up she looks!
Enjoy this stage!!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers