Saturday, June 23, 2012

To Hannah at 1 month (+ 1 week)

I am already a week late with Hannah's letter, so I decided I should go ahead and post it. But I will do another post with just pictures this week. We had a friend take some nicer ones of Hannah last week and should be getting those back soon. So, hold onto your socks! We'll have pictures soon!

Dearest Hannah,

You have truly blessed our home with your sweet little spirit. It seemed impossible that I could love another little lady as much as your big sister. But now I can see how our Heavenly Father can love each one of His precious children so much. My love for you has grown immensely since the moment the doctor placed you in my arms. There are so many little things about you that make me melt! Number one on the list would definitely be how you grin from ear to ear and even occasionally let out a little laugh. These happen mostly when you're asleep, but a few times they have been in response to our coos, talking and kisses. I wish I could capture them on camera and preserve the memory. But they will be forever imprinted in my heart.

I also love your little rolls and cheeks that are forming. I love your beautiful hair and soft skin. I especially love how you hold onto my clothes when I feed you. You are grabbing a lot of things that get in your grasp. Sometimes that ends up being your sweet hair though. You don't like that very much and need our help to let go of it.

Your big beautiful eyes are open a lot of the time and are constantly taking in the things around you. You are definitely a curious little lady. You also enjoy watching your big sister. She loves you so much! She always makes sure that you are comfortable and loves to help soothe you when you're upset. And you calm down for her most of the time too. Y'all are going to be such wonderful friends!

Hannah, your name has many special meanings for us. Hannah means "grace" and "beauty". These are great blessings that we can already see in you.

Your middle name, Elsie, was from your Great Great Great Grandma Elsie Maude Gulliver Matthews. When Grandma Elsie was fifteen, she came in contact with Mormonism while visiting her sister, Nellie. It was there she read the story of Joseph Smith and the vision in the Sacred Grove:

"As I read I experienced something that I had never felt before, it is hard to explain it, I have never forgotten it and hope I never will, it was such a feeling of conviction within me, it was so strong it was a burning sensation, it was something telling me 'It's true, it's true', and I thought of the two disciples that were walking with Jesus after his resurrection and didn't recognize him, 'but' they said 'Did not our hearts burn within us', what I felt reminded me of that incident. It has always been a testimony to me that Joseph Smith was a true Prophet of God, and that his story of the appearance of the Father and Son was absolutely true, I have never had a doubt about it."

Elsie's dad was very much opposed to her interest in Mormonism for quite a while, and he told her if she brought home any more Mormon books to read, he would throw her out neck and crop, and the books with her. But she couldn't forget what she had felt, and every time she visited Nellie she brought home more books, and hid them in her bedroom, and read them at night by the light of a candle. After many months she told her dad all she had read and he consented to let Elder Blanthorn come to her house to teach. Much of his first bitterness had gone, and he said she could be baptized if she wanted. She went to Southampton to be baptized because there were no missionaries in Salisbury at that time. She was a member of the Church at age sixteen, the only one in Salisbury. The next year her mother and dad joined the church and they came to Utah in a company of converts in 1903.

I have always been touched by this story of Grandma Elsie. The strength of her testimony from the first time she learned about Joseph Smith and her dedication to see it through is an inspiration. I pray that you will follow this example that was set by her. That you will be able to feel the Spirit witnessing the truth of the Gospel to you and that you will have the strength and conviction to see that testimony through.

We are so grateful to have you in our family. We love you so much!

Momma (& Daddy)


Joyce said...

Finally!!! And I will definitely be waiting for those pictures! We love you little Hannah! (and you too, Momma, Daddy, and Lydia).

Kiersten said...

Yes, I am also waiting for pictures. Beautiful letter!

Stormie said...

It was fun to hear the story of Elsie. What an wonderful story! Thanks for sharing. I can't get over her hair every time I see her. It's so beautiful!

Lindsay said...

Hey stranger! Your brother has been trying to get a hold of you since Hannah was born to get the low-down and wish you congratulations. We're both anxious to hear from you and see you're doing. Talk to you soon? :)

Daisypath Anniversary tickers