Monday, July 2, 2012

Pictures of the Ladies

As promised, I am posting pictures of our cute little Ladies (mostly Hannah). I know that it's taken a while and I'd like to say that I'll do better. But I need to be honest and admit that I probably won't. But it will always get done eventually.

And updates on our little family, David has officially finished his third year of Medical School and we are now on the homerun!!! Yay! He'll start his 4th year of school on Monday with an acting intership in pediatrics. I think he'll really enjoy this next month because, if we haven't told you already, David has switched from wanting to do radiology to pediatrics. Huge shock! He's such a stubborn man. So when he decides he's going to do something, then that's what he does. However, he suddenly started having huge doubts back in February when he was enjoying his pediatrics rotation so much. Its good to know that he's chosen to go into the field that has him coming home so happy and fulfilled each day.

As for me, I just try to keep my head above water. I constantly have projects I want to do, chores to get done, a baby to feed and who loves to be held, and a little lady who loves to play and interract with me and who needs me to teach and care for her. Its so hard to prioritize things so that nothing gets neglected, including my sanity! However, I think that's the thing that keeps struggling the most. I'm pretty sure that I've made it through the worst of my baby blues. Though after particularly sleepless nights, I can be easily found crying over the mere fact that I am out of bed. But I really am doing pretty well. I fit back into my pre-pregnany clothes a week after having Hannah and am now tring to lose those last few pounds (+ a few extra) and get myself into shape. My goal is to run a 5K in the next year. Though I need to find one and sign up for it so that I'm really stuck with it. I haven't gotten to start working on it yet unfortunately because the heat and mosquitos and are too crazy to take the girls out in. I know, I'm full of excuses. Just come visit us in Galveston and you'll cut me some slack once you experience the madness! Those mosquitos are merciless and don't respond to bugspray more than half the time!

Okay, onto a more fun topic! Lydia! Our sassy little princess. She is constantly busy and is so entertaining! She has officially figured out how to open every door in the house (kindly making the last one her own bedroom door). So she is now unstoppable. Though she does still stay in her room for naptime without too many reminders. She loves to dress up in her princess clothes and always makes sure that her clothes "match". She tells me quite often that things I pick out don't match. I have to kindly tell her that just because jeans aren't the same color as a shirt, that they still coordinate well. She loves having her hair done and picking out hair bows. What can I say? She's a girl! She loves to swim, color, and talk about her imaginary monsters. These monsters encourage her to finish her dinner most nights, so I like these friendly creations. They can be found all sorts of places in our home, including on the walls and the ceiling. There are big ones and small ones. And she loves them all!
Lydia is also slowly working on potty training still. I'm trying to keep the seed planted and watered until I'm able to jump in full throttle again. So, we're emphasizing poops right now. Each time she poops in the potty she gets a prize from the basket. They consist of random $ Store items and coupons. I resorted to adding the coupons when she started earning 3 prizes a day quite often. The coupons are for simple things that don't cost me money. Like an episode of Dora or Blues Clues, play doh time, board game time, bubble time, a new coloring page, or an outfit for a paper doll. These have been working wonders! We rarely have to clean a poopy diaper anymore! Well, not one of hers anyway.

And then we have Hannah. In ways she is easier than Lydia was, but in other ways she is more difficult. She started off wanting to eat at least every two hours, but we are slowly drifting away from that and we are getting more sleep at night. Lately she is sleeping for 5 hour stretches and occasionally a little longer. She only feeds for about 15 minutes most of the time (much better than Lydia's 45+ minute feedings!) and goes right back to sleep each time (versus having to rock Lydia back to sleep and then pat her bum while in the bassinet for another 1/2 hour before going back to bed). And Hannah falls asleep on her own most nights! I feed her, swaddle her up, turn on her water noises, and lay her in her bed. Even if she's still awake she'll fall asleep most the time. The hardest time with her lately is during the day. She's awake for most of the morning and wants attention. Then she usually takes a longer nap sometime during the afternoon (often during Lydia's nap so I get some quiet time :). ) and then is awake for a lot of the evening before we go to bed at about 10:30. Ummm...not much more to report on with Hannah yet. She poops great and has gone from having a constant smear in her diaper to usually only pooping 1-2 times a day. Yay! This makes us have to change her diaper a whole lot less frequently!

So, back to the main reason I am putting up a post! Pictures! People may be angry with me again, but after writing this post I spent literally about 7 hours (broken up over 2 days) trying to put the pictures into it. After it telling me that it was being saved the second day and then realizing after a few hours that it was lying to me, I can't deal with it any longer. I've given up. Sorry! It was too much frustration and pointless tears. So I'm just going to link them all to the sidebar like I usually do and y'all can flip through and pick out your own favorites. I can't say I like Google very much right now. Grrr! But at least I've had a night to sleep off some of my anger and I'm feeling better today!

Hannah also had her blessing yesterday, so I'll try to do another post soon to cover that. And, if you're lucky, I'll try to put pictures in it again.


Eric said...

Super cute pictures! Thanks, Kimberly! Kiersten and I envy (strongly) your 5 hour breaks at night. Three hours would be pretty nice for us.

Kiersten said...

Thanks for the update Kimberly! I need to give you and Lindsay calls sometime - being able to talk to new mammas who are making it through the same thing as me would be so helpful! :)

You are doing a great job - your two girls are beautiful!

Lindsay said...

The pictures were great! Thanks for posting them!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers