Monday, August 27, 2012

To Hannah at 3 months

Oh Sweet Hannah!

I can hardly believe you are 3 months old now! Well, actually 3 months and a week and 3 days. I've been slow getting your letter written this month. You have now passed the stage of being a newborn. You look and act like a full blown baby. Which is mostly filled with good things! You smile at us quite frequently and coo at us as we talk and play with you. It seems that you have a lot to tell us, and mostly that you appreciate our efforts to make you happy. You have laughed a few times at me tickling you, however this is not very frequent yet. I look forward to it coming more in the next month!

You are starting to stay awake for longer periods of time now. And we are working on creating more of a schedule for you. You seem to appreciate having a long nap in the morning and in the afternoon. I can appreciate that too :). However, you still tend to wake up twice a night to eat. This I would rather change. I am hesitant to move you into your big sister's room when you still wake up and cry every night. We need to improve this soon so that you can leave the bassinet in our room and go to your crib. Maybe if I set it up for you this month then it will give you more encouragement? If only it worked that way. Sigh.

You have filled out so much more this past month! The rolls and chunks in your thighs and cheeks are so adorable! I love it! You are such a beautiful little lady and have such a sweet spirit! You are happy a lot of the time and content to just watch and take in everything going on around you. Especially the activities of your big sister! I love watching the two of you interact with eachother. I can see what good friends the two of you will be.

Hannah, we are so grateful to have your in our family. You have brought even more joy and love into our lives, if it were possible. We are so excited to see what the next month will bring!


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Daisypath Anniversary tickers