Friday, July 20, 2012

Hannah's 2 month stats

I meant to put this in Hannah's letter, but I spaced it when I got focused on the picture problems.

Hannah went to the doctor for her well check yesterday. Things went very well for most of it and she is a very healthy little girl. She does, however have the same clogged tear duct that Lydia struggled with. We are doing everything we can right now to prevent her having eye surgery too. Please keep her in your prayers.

Hannah measured 23 1/2 inches (85th %) and weighed a whopping 12 lb 2 oz (81st%)! She sure been packing on the weight! I looked back at Lydia's stats to compare and she was the same height and 11 lbs 8 oz, yet she started out almost a whole pound heavier than Hannah! Crazy!

The only bad parts of the visit were the mosquitos (they kept getting into the waiting room and wanted some food) and Hannah's shots. Poor girl! I always feel bad for their sweet little legs!

But Lydia did very well entertaining everyone there and was a ver supportive big sister. She even made sure they gave Hannah a sticker before she left :)


Lindsay said...

Why do babies have to get big so fast? I wish I could keep mine tiny forever. (But then my desire for them to be big enough to sleep well reminds me why I really do like those early growth spurts....)

That's unfortunate that she has the same tear duct problem as Lydia. It'd be nice if we could keep repeat performances in siblings to things like hair color and round, chubby cheeks instead of the more challenging issues like reflux and clogged tear ducts. But then, where's the fun in that? ;) I hope catching it early will help prevent eye surgery!

Stormie said...

We missed you guys at the doctor by one day; we were there Wednesday. Misty had to get shots too ... it's no fun and Miyah was all worried for Misty too. I'm sorry she has the clogged duct! Will catching it early make a difference? I hope so!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers