Monday, April 21, 2008

A,B,C, it's easy as 1,2,3!

So, I was on Jolene's blog the other day and decided I wanted to copy her ABC thing. Maybe you'll learn something about me!

A- Attached or single: Of course I'm attached! I've been married for an entire 4 months tomorrow! Yay!
B- Best Friend: David first, then Jenny Sue.
C-Cake or Pie: If the cake is icecream, I'll eat it anytime!
D-Day of Choice: Saturday, it's the funnest! I can sleep in too!
E- Essential Item: I'd have to agree with Jolene, I feel totally lost without my cell phone.
F- Favorite Color: Just about any shade of green! It's so springy and happy!
G- Gummi Bears or Worms: Gummy bears! Brachs!
H- Hometown: Austin, TX
I- Indulgence(s): Icecream, chickflicks and gummy bears. That's a good night! Especially if I'm snuggled up with my hubby!
J- January or July: July by far!!! I hate snow and I love warm/hot weather! Swimming time! Yay!
K-Kids: I think I'm going for 5. That's what both me and David have in our families and anything less seems incomplete. But, like Jolene, some people change their minds once they have them.
L-Life is incomplete without: My husband, family, friends, the gospel, rollerblading and other outdoor activities.
M- Marriage Date: December 22, 2007
N- Number of Siblings: 3 brothers, 1 sister
O- Oranges or Apples: Oranges! I like the juice.
P- Phobias or Fears: Spiders! I hate their creepy crawly nastiness!
Q- Quote(s): Always take time to stop and smell the dandilions. Quote from my mother.
R- Reason To Smile: When I come home to find pretty tulips that my hubby got for me.
S- Season: Summer! I love swimming, camping, laying in the sun, reading on a blanket, tossing a football. It's the greatest time of year!
T- Tag Three: Anyone who reads this & wants to do this! ALL OF YOU!!!
U- Unusual habbits/behaviors: I have to spin the ball in my hand once before I serve in volleyball, but other than that I never do anything weird. I'm the most normal person you'll ever meet! (smile and wink)
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: Ummm...I'm from Texas. What do you think? Bring on the steak!
W- Worst Habit: Grinding my teeth.
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: I don't know if this is asking what I prefer or what I've had done. I've never had an ultrasound. But I've had plenty of xrays at the dentist and then once when they thought I might have broken my nose. I don't know what I'd prefer.
Y- Your Favorite Food: Just about anything mexican. I love the spiciness. I am also beginning to love cheese more and more the longer I'm married to David!
Z- Zodiac sign: Leo


Lindsay said...

You know, until very recently I had it in my head that 5-6 children would be a good number for us, too. I'm one of 6, Blake's one of you said, anything less just wouldn't seem normal. Only lately 3-4 sound much more manageable. We'll see. Give it another year or two when I'm starting to get baby hungry again, and maybe I'll change my mind. As for right this second, though, I'm very happy with one.

Also, happy 4 months! Has it been that long already?

coolhandluke said...

So, what do dandylions smell like? I would assume it's the yellow ones and not the ones you make wishes on, because if you smelled those all the hairy things would fly up your nose...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers