Saturday, April 19, 2008

Surprise Visit!

So, I got a call yesterday from a former mission companion, Alison, who told me that Dina-Marie, a former investigator of ours was in Utah for a conference this weekend! Wow! That was crazy! So, we got to visit and hang out. We got icecream and went to Comedy Sports lastnight. Then, today we went up to Sundance to do touristy things and then a quick visit to Temple Square before she had to catch her flight back to California. It was a fairly brief visit, but wonderful! Dina has not yet gotten baptized, we worked on that a lot. But she is still living the Word of Wisdom. Yay! So, she is slowly on her road to getting dunked. Here are some of the pictures we took as we enjoyed our visit and catching up.

Kimberly & Dina at Sundance

Kimberly, Dina & Alison

Kimberly, Dina & Alison at Temple Square

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