Monday, April 14, 2008


Welcome friends! So, I decided it was high time to start a blog for David and I. After following my sister-n-law's blog so faithfully, it made me jealous that she had such a cool trend going and I didn't. So, alas. Here it is!

Right now I can't say that our lives are all that interesting. I work full time and David goes to school full time. So, in the little time when we are not doing our full time activities, we get to spend time together. Our most common time spent together is playing games and watching movies. Though, I am a very competitive person and don't take losing too well when David beats me at a game. Lastnight, for example, David thrashed me at a game of both "Ticket to Ride" and "Monopoly". Though it was all luck that he had won both games, I was defeated and, therefore, upset. Someday we will figure our a way to enjoy our games and have me not get so upset when I lose.

So, right now, I sound like a real enjoyable person. Maybe I should tell a little bit more about myself so that I don't quite sound so bad. My name, as some people may be wondering, is Kimberly. I am a proud Texan, though many of my friends like to remind me that I have lived in Utah much longer than Texas because of college. I will never claim Utah. I enjoy diversity and warm weather, and Texas is much better at that. I grew up all over the place. Sure, I was born in Utah, but I've also live in Illinois, Kentucky, South Carolina, and, finally, Texas. I moved there my sophomore year of highschool. One of my highschool friends gave me a shirt that says, "I wasn't born in Texas but I got here as soon as I could". I think that sums up my feelings quite a bit.

I also really love to rollerblade! I have always wanted to fly and the wind rushing in my face as I rollerblade is the closest I have ever come to it. It's like a feeling of freedom, like no one can ever tie you down. One of my dreams is to go hang gliding. I think that will give me an even greater sensation of flying, but for now, rollerblading will do.

Okay, I can't tell you all about me in one entry, but you get the jist. There will be more to come!


Eric said...

I'm the first to post on Kimberly's blog! (P.S. I should get cookies or something for that, and you can't count the ones that I got last night.)

I'm glad you started a blog. I'll especially look forward to reading it over the summer when I won't be two miles down the road from you. Best of luck!

Lindsay said...

So, you broke down and started a blog, eh? That's awesome. It'll be nice to have another way to stay in touch with you (and get to know David better) from faraway New York.

Also, I had no idea you read my blog - and faithfully, too. I'm flattered. If you have any how-to questions about blogging, let me know; I'd be glad to help.

coolhandluke said...

I saw your blog as a referral to the Anderson Kitchen website, and wondered who kdodyssey was. If you send me your email address (preferably gmail) I can add you as a contributor, I'm sure you've got some tasty recipes. Hope everything is going well, I look forward to reading up on you all. We'll be up in Utah for Brenna's wedding, will we see you there?

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