Thursday, January 14, 2010

20 Day Eviction notice

So, I've just been catching up on Ciera's blog and came across this. Yeah, it's definitely how I feel! So, Lydia, this is your first letter from your mother! :)

Little Miss Lydia Dawn Dickinson:
I hereby issue 20 day notice for EVICTION. You will have 20 days in which you can either gather your belongings and promptly vacate the premises, or wait until the final day, after which, you will be physically removed from the property.
You are being evicted due to breech of contract and destruction of property. Expansions only to the FRONT of the house, within reasonable limits, were discussed.
Not only have these limits been exceeded, but additions to the back of the house were also made! Remodeling and gutting of the home was never approved, nor was changing the initial layout and base structure.
And due to property damage, there are now leaks in both the upper AND lower levels of the home. On top of which, the landlord has received numerous complaints about nightly disturbances.

After 20 days from this day that you don't comply with the notice will result in immediate and forceful removal at my discretion.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Love, Momma

So, despite wanting all the pains that come from being this pregnant to be over with, I really am very excited for Lydia to come still! I'm ready to see her little face and to cuddle with her! (I sure hope she's a snuggler!) We already love our little girl and wouldn't trade her for the world!

(For lots of pregnant pictures, see the December 09 pictures! I don't have all the pictures saved on David's computer, which is where I'm working from right now. So, I can't just put them in the post.)


Joyce said...

Save this eviction notice ... you may want to use it in 20 years again! Can't wait to get to know "Little Miss Lydia" also ... and that really sounds like a southern name!

Lindsay said...

Ha! Pregnancy does take a toll on your body, doesn't it? I like your mom's idea, though. Hang on to that letter. :)

Erin Anderson said...

You look so cute Kim and I am sure Lydia will be here before you know it! I love the eviction notice!

Eviction Notice said...

i want to chree up.

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