Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Another January Birthday?

After another visit to the doctor today, I feel that the end is finally in sight. The doctor checked me and, though I am not dilated, I am pretty well effaced. He could feel the baby's head and predicted that as soon as she moves her head directly over the cervix I will go into labor. He is pretty sure that it will happen sometime this week.
We had been hoping that she would hang on till Friday night so that David can focus on his test and do well Friday morning. We'll see if that happens. She may think that Thursday night sounds like the one she wants! However, we are pretty sure that she will add to our shmorgishbord of January birthdays!
This knowledge had left me a little more nervous and anxious! I think I am starting my nesting phase! I cleaned up the swing someone gave us today, did a load of laundry and got David to do the dishes. And I have a few more things I want to get done tomorrow. I am hoping that I can just do these couple things and then I will let myself rest. (Don't worry, I actually am still sleeping in and trying to take things easy as I get these things done.) I also want to go to the beach tomorrow. Maybe get the baby moving!
So, overall, we are very excited that Lydia will be joining us soon! It'll be nice to finally meet my little alien!


Lindsay said...

Well, look at that. Some official light at the end of the tunnel. :) We are excited for you and to get a glimpse of this niece of ours, and we hope everything goes smoothly for all of you.

Julie said...

Oh yeah! Come little Lydia! You can do it!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers