Thursday, July 19, 2012

To Hannah at 2 months

I tried again to add pictures to this post, but am still struggling. It seems to have the same problem whether I'm on David's computer or my own. So, I'm not quite sure what to do. But please check out the pictures linked to the sidebar. There are some really cute new ones from the 4th of July and that our wonderful friend and Bishop took for us. (Thanks Alan!)

Sweet Hannah,

It seems as though you have been a part of our family forever! You fit in so perfectly. We love having your sweet spirit in our home and wouldn't trade you for the world!

This month you have really started filling out more of your delicious rolls! I love kissing them! And, as expected, everywhere we go people are amazed by your beautiful hair. It is so soft and gorgeous! The other day we were sitting outside and the sunlight caught some red hints in your hair. "Oh dear!" was my first reaction. Are we going to have a red head in the family? We'll see! As far as the rest of your coloring goes, you have your sister's eyes. At least they seem to be following the exact same pattern that hers did. Right now they are a dark grey.

You are smiling and cooing at me more when I play with you. I love these tender moments! I still haven't been able to capture them on camera very well. Your eyes light up and your whole countenance changes when you know we are playing with you. You love the attention! Especially since you have to fight for attention with you being a second child.

Hannah, my love, you have me smitten! I love rocking you in my bedroom as I feed you. It is "my time" with you and I treasure it! Especially since it happens mostly at times when I'm awake now. (We're down to 1 feeding a night! Yay!) And, speaking of sleeping, you sleep a full 6-7 hours most nights now! Just a little while longer and you may be able to move to the crib in your sister's room. That will be a bitter-sweet day. But, for now, I love watching you sleep beside my bed. You curl up so sweet like a Glo-worm!

I love you Sweet Girl! You are such a beautiful little angel sent from above. I am so grateful to have you as a part of our home and family.



Eric said...

Happy number 2, Hannah!

Lindsay said...

Blake often comments that he thinks Matthew's hair might have red tints, but I'm pretty sure in his case it's just blond hair growing out of sometimes red-tinted skin. While I do love me some strawberry blond hair, genetics don't make the probability of that very high. :)

Hey, the link for you family pictures isn't working for me. I hope you can fix it because I'd love to see them!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers