Saturday, July 10, 2010

You are hereby called...

We made a special trip to San Antonio this weekend for my sister, Brittany, to open her mission call. So, without further ado, Sister Brittany Anderson will be serving in the Berlin, Germany Mission! She will have the opportunity to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people there. We are so excited for her and know she will be an amazing missionary! Congratulations Britt Brat!
PS: Lindsay, I beat you to it! Ha Ha!

And on another note, Lydia can now sit up all on her own! Completely unsupported! What a big Lady! We love her!


Lindsay said...

Huh. I didn't know there was a race. Or that I was participating. :)

But that doesn't mean I'm still not way super excited for Brittany. Those Germans will be lucky to have her.

Kelsey said...

That is wonderful!!! I lived in Berlin for a few months and I loved it. Tell her that she'll love the Turkish food there!

Stormie said...

You were pretty close Kimberly - and you got your Europe! :)

Erin Anderson said...

How awesome for Brittany and Lydia!

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