Tuesday, July 6, 2010

5 Months

Yep, that time has come yet again! And, actually passed by a few days. I feel like I've just had so much to get done! But we have gotten to enjoy our little angel for another month! She has grown so much too! People are always commenting that they think she's 6 months by her size and strength. She's also turned into such a little flirt with her big smiles! Lydia got to meet all of her aunts, uncles and cousins this month! She also got to meet some of her great aunts and uncles along with a couple of her great grandmas and her great grandpa who passed away just a week ago. So, Lydia, here's your 5 month letter.

Dearest Little Lady,

You have brought so much joy to this little home! Your smiles light up not only your face, but everyone around you. You are such a sweet, happy little girl. Well, as long as we're paying attention to you. Even as I'm writing you this letter I am having to sit on the floor next to you and hand you your toys every other word. But I wouldn't trade it for the world. It's a miracle watching you grow and learn new things. My guess is that you've put on at least another half a pound this month. You have such cute little rolls and chunks all over! I love it!

I think the list gets longer each month of the things you are learning and doing, but I love reflecting on it all and sharing it with you. This month you:

*Have discovered your voice even more! For good and bad. You have such happy little sounds you make and also angry squeals.

*You decided that you're pretty much done with breastfeeding. So, we're doing it morning and night and giving you bottles the rest of the day.

* You are good at expressing your hunger to us. You recognize a bottle when you see it. Reach for it, try to put the correct end in your mouth to start sucking and can even hold the smaller ones by yourself a lot of the time. What can I say, you are driven by food! Although, you seem to mistake our water bottles for your bottles and try to suck on them too.

* You tried rice cereal for the first time a week ago! You gobbled it right up! Well, everything that made it to your mouth anyways! You love it.

*Your new favorite toy: Mardi gra beads! You also love books, whatever we are holding, lights and bells.

*You can sit up now! You hate laying down now because your have found your balance and strength to sit up. In fact, if you are lying on your back, you are generally in a crunching position because you want so bad to sit up. You can balance pretty well on your own when sitting up. If I'm not sitting next to you though, I put the boppy around you for support. But if you have toys in front of you, then you have the motivation to stay leaning forward enough to stay balanced.

* You roll around a whole lot more now. You can now go from back to front and front to back. You don't generally do this unless motivated by a toy just out of your reach though.

* You saw your first fireworks show a week and a half ago. You loved it! Your eyes were glued to those lights and didn't look away for a second. We went back again for the Fourth of July, but those fireworks were a little bit further away. So, you enjoyed looking at the passing cars and the restaurant across the street more than the fireworks.

*You are perfecting those fine motor skills. You're much better at grabbing onto anything in your reach. Your biggest problem now? Your hands are still too small for everything you want to grab.

*You love sitting up in the bathtub now. You can see so much more than when you were lying down. You are especially attracted to your orange tub toys. Is this a new favorite color? We'll see.

*You're perfecting the daytime naps. You don't seem to mind sleeping during the day, however we're now trying to teach you how to fall asleep in your crib. It's a slow process, but you're learning. Many times, if you are in just the right sleepy mode, all you need is your binky and you're happy. Now, you just need to get down how to pick up your binky and put it in your mouth when you want it! I expect to write that in next month's letter.

*You got on your first swing! You loved it as we grabbed your feet and let you fly!

*You discovered balloons! And you were entertained for over an hour!

You went to a couple of aquariums this month and you were intrigued by the bright colorful fish.

*You got to meet all the rest of your aunts, uncles and cousins this month. You loved playing with your cousins Caleb, Garrett and Sophie. Whenever they were near, you would reach for them and want to touch them. You also got to meet your Great Aunt Janet, Great Uncle Mark, Great Aunt Shauna, Great Grandma and Grandpa Matthews, Great Aunt Karen, Great Uncle Laurent, Great Uncle Herb, and Great Grandma Hallberg. So many greats! You were a total hit! Everybody loved you. And why wouldn't they! You showed off all your charm with your sweet smiles!

One of our friends had a baby just a few weeks ago and when I held him I couldn't believe how light he was! You used to be that light! Our bodies truly are miraculous things to grow the way they do, learn and heal. You are a little miracle. Remember that. You are a special daughter of God. It's hard to believe that He could love you more that I do. That's a lot! I'm so grateful for eternal families. You got to briefly meet your Great Grandpa Matthews before he passed away. And, even though you probably won't remember him in this life, because of the blessing of eternal families, you will get to meet him again and get to know him in the next life. You sure loved him for the little while you got to see him! Your face lit up more than I've ever seen when he waved at you. I know you could feel his strong spirit.

I pray you always stay close to the church and keep the commandments. I will do my best to be a good example to you and teach you to follow our Savior, Jesus Christ. We're trying to involve you more in our daily scripture study and prayer before you go to bed each night. Hopefully you will develop this habit and incorporate it into your own life. We love you and want the best for you.


1 comment:

Stormie said...

I love the picture of her in the swing! You'll be glad you have these letters in the future. :)

Daisypath Anniversary tickers